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Interlayer cracking

Print cracking and warping

Material: ABS, ASA, PA, PC and other materials and high shrinkage rate and are easy to warp and crack, When printing, a constant temperature chamber is required., you can use eEnclosure or a printer with a heating chamber

Slicing: The blowing fan needs to be turned off, the blowing fan will accelerate the cooling of the material, causing warping and cracking


Poor interlayer strength when using

Material: Some materials have poor interlayer strength, such as ePA-CF, which can optimize the strength by slicing appropriately. A suitable angle of model placement should be chosen to avoid the force in the Z-axis direction during actual use

Slicing: Increasing the printing temperature and filling rate, reducing the printing speed and layer thickness, and closing the blowing fan appropriately can increase the interlayer strength of the model.


Poor interlayer adhesion

Layer Separation and Splitting

Post time: Sep-05-2021

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