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  • Engineering Series Materials
  • PLA+CMYK-Four-color-suit
  • esun3d amazon Prime Big Deal Days-wap
  • Engineering Series Materials-wap
  • PLA+CMYK-Four-color-suit wap

Surface not dry

Surface is not dry

Post-treatment: Insufficient alcohol concentration or cleaning with water before cleaning , resulting in oil-water reaction whitening or cleaning is not clean, it is recommended to use more than 95% concentration of alcohol or use IPA cleaning, the use of ultrasonic cleaning 3-5min, viscous resin should increase the cleaning time and times; cleaning after not doing post-curing surface is not dry, it needs to be post-cured untilthe surface is not sticky , If the post-curing time is too long, the surface may turn white.

Cutting: exposure time is too long, resulting in a surface too bright, normal exposure surface close to matte

Light source: part of the light source is not uniform light, may lead to inconsistent exposure of different areas, resulting in surface cleaning is not clean

Surface gloss

Resin surface is not dry

Model surface whitening

Model surface whitening


Post time: Oct-21-2021

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