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2015 UABB Bring You Back to the Original City

Post time: 2015-12-17


2015 UABB Bring You Back to the Original City

2015 UABB which was hold fifth with ten years history,it has been official open at December 10th.The exhibition is hold under the theme of “Re-living the city”,and the subject is to creat a better future world,advocating on reusing,rethinking and reimagining the current status of the building. It will reshape a new daily life by design.

All the 86 participating institutions and exhibitors from more than 20 countries in five contients response to the asks of “Re-living the city” together. Different identity and different culture background is bound to make unexpected custure shock and crystallization. View the great culture and creativity from the lens.

Stephen Burks,the award winner of 2015 United Stated national product design,the design master invited to the exhibition. He shows the special designed artistic installation–artifical brick producing machine. This art installation is special designed to mark a country as a “world factory”,reflecting the negative impact of global sustainable development to response to the theme of 2015 UABB “Re-living the city”.  

Every brick in the installation is a unique art work,it also formed a declaration for a larger microscopic structure and showed the strength of handwork cooperate with producing in lines. All the hollow bricks are printed by eSun&iSUN with PLA filaments,the molding can be changed per needing.

The cooperation between eSUN and Stephen Burks with the same concept as the 2015 UABB. Reviewing the world around you,thinking about what you have and what you really need,what’s city we are creating?Through this way to search a real development direction and creat the life you really wondering.

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