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3D Print International Conference with Dr. Adrian Bowyer

Post time: 2015-04-23


3D Print International Conference with Dr. Adrian Bowyer

Invited by iSun3D Tech (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd, Dr. Adrian Bowyer was supposed to arrive

Shenzhen and discussed about 3D printing developing trend with local makers. Due to the

less optimistic health condition, trudge became a problem, as a result, this event turned out

to be a video conference. Despite it is a pity that makers were not able to talk to Dr. Adrian

by face to face, but still the event site were swarmed passionate makers. Hereby, we would

like to thank the understanding and support from makers, and wish Dr. Adrian Bowyer recover




In the video conference, Dr. Adrian Bowyer presents a speech about ‘Manufacturing for the

Masses’ and answered several diverse questions from local makers. After listening the speech

from Dr. Adrian, makers believe that as a emerging technology, 3D print influence the direction

of enterprise development and entrepreneurship. It not only improves the production efficiency,

but also reduce cost. Besides, the CEO of RepRapPro China, Dr. Rongsheng Zhang, introduces

the 3D print developing situation in China, which arose the interests of makers.




RePraPro 3D printer assembling is the most exciting activity, the staff from RepRapPro

demonstrated how to assemble a ReprapPro OM2 printer to makers. Reprap printer is the

first low cost 3D printer, it contributed to prevail 3D print and make the dream of ‘everyone

can have their own 3D printer’ come true.






In the meanwhile, the journalist from CCTV films the whole event and interviews Dr.

Rongsheng Zhang.



As we can see, makers shows interests toward additive manufacturing, however, the

understanding about 3D print still stays on simply printer operation. The event brought latest

news from international 3D industry, most of them are pretty fresh and valuable to local makers.

They support to have more similar events to be hosted in the near future. This shows the confidence

towards 3D print industry, as well as, the affirmation to our work. In the future, iSun3D Tech (Shenzhen)

Co.,Ltd, will continue collaborating with Chaihuo Maker Space to bring more interesting events, please

stay tuned.



This event is hosted by: Tech (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd, and Shenzhen Esun Industrial Co.,Ltd

Undertaken by: RepRapPro.Ltd and Chaihuo Maker Space




Adrian Bowye Background: 


Adrian Bowyer holds a first degree and a PhD in engineering from Imperial College.


He was an academic engineer and mathematician at the University of Bath for 35 years,

from where he retired in2012 to become a director of RepRap Professional Ltd.


His areas of research are geometric modeling and geometric computing in general (he is

one of the authors of the Bowyer Watson algorithm for Voronoi diagrams), the application

of computers to manufacturing, and biomimetics. He is the author of about one hundred

papers and books on many different aspects of engineering, computing, mathematics and

biology. In 2004 he created RepRap -humanity’s first self-replicating general-purpose

manufacturing machine.


RepRap Professional Ltd has sold thousands of RepRap machines worldwide. It is one of

the best-known and most trusted suppliers in the market, and is devoted to driving RepRap

technology forward by research and improved design. RepRap Professional Ltd is an entirely

open source company, and allots designs, software and documentation are freely available

to everyone.

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