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All the way north, encounter the 4th Annual Maker Faire Bilbao

Post time: 2016-11-24


All the way north, encounter the 4th Annual Maker Faire Bilbao

Located in the north of Spain, Bilbao is the economic center and largest city in Basque Country, also the capital of Biscayprovince.Asan industrial city, this city is full of peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.

This year,eSUN came to the Bilbaoandparticipate this Spain’s largest Makerfaire – Bilbao Maker faire. Spanish makers (and beyond) are gearing up for the fourth annual Maker Faire Bilbao, uniting the community and spreading the joy of making this weekend, November 18–20 at the Espacio OpenCookie Factory on the Zorrozaurre peninsula.

CEO of eSUN, Kevin Yang,and Zhang Rongsheng take photos at the faire

Passionate and creative makers

eSUN is the only Chinese exhibitoron Bilbao,

its isun3dLTP 2.03D printing pen soon becamethe most popular Star on the Festival! Kids canuse Magiwire stencilto paint,

it’s more simple, interesting and convenient, and the pen shell temperature is lowfor safer use. Thus, the pen attracted many children and parents.

The night of Bilbaois so charming, CEO of eSUN,Kevin Yang andZhang Rongsheng took many pictures with 3d printing enthusiasts.

After talking with Alexsanndra who takes charge of the Italy maker faire, eSUN decided to turnour own maker space into a mutual exchange platform for both sides, let’slook forward to theircooperationin the future.

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