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Esun Accept 3dfocus Interview

Post time: 2014-06-23


Esun Accept 3dfocus Interview

Esun’s chairman Yang Yihu Accept 3dfocus Interview in Qingdao 3D Exhibition.



Q: I saw the knock-out product of Esun in this exhibition is cleaning filament. I do not know much about it. Could you introduce cleaning filament to us?


A: Currently, it is inevitable that at some point you will experience the unspeakable event of having your extruder nozzle clog when using FDM 3D printer.Some clogs are caused by the carbonation of printing materials’ residual after long-time printing,others are caused by residual material of switching high temperature material to low temperature material.The nozzle plugging issues always haunt domestic and oversea clients and we are considering how to solve them. In 2003, Esun set up a research project—clear gunk from the nozzle.Now Esun formally launches its first cleaning filament in all the world,which is named 3Dclean. The test results of cleaning filament is good from domestic and oversea clients: Clogs were seen to be removed during cleaning nozzle;It is inconvenient to remove print head and clear it with chemical solvent;Very few methods really work all that well and the print head may be damaged . 



Q: Except cleaning filament,is there any other product Esun launches?


A: Esun will launch color changed by light filament,heat change filament and fragrance filament soon.


Q: I get know that Esun 3D Filament is popular in European & American market from a few yeas ago.What makes Esun better than other filament companies?


A: At present, Esun 3D filament has gained high market share in European & American market and ranked No.1 of 3D material team in 2014 China 3D Printing Excellent Brand Campaign.The advantages of Esun is showed in the following aspects:

First, the first-mover advantage. 

We are the first to follow the trend of global 3D Printing turning industrial use to open source home application and enter 3D Printing industry as well as increase the investment in material supply. Besides,we have spent 5 to 6 years on R&D of biomaterial before and achieved some research results,which can be combined with the opportunity of 3D Printing. In this way, the first-mover advantage created.

Second, the quality advantage.

We own autonomous formula,dedicated production line and a more sophisticated production techniques and perfect quality control system. The quality of Esun’s Products is with good reputation in Europe and America and with high appraisal on Amazon.

Third, open-end innovation advantage.

Nowadays,we have certain user groups. Our customers raise new requirements to us and are willing to provide advice after testing new products,which greatly help us constantly to develop.

Lastly, brand and channel superiority

The product sells to more than 70 countries, which is favorable to customers and we have initially established global marketing channel system. Esun has become a certain well-known brand in the industry.This year, Esun participates in more than 20 global exhibition and makes over 10 professional presentations.


Q: Esun is the earliest enterprise involving in 3D Printing material in China and with the continuous innovation and development.Could you offer some suggestions for choosing and using 3D Printing consumables?


A: As to material selection, I advise to choose consumables with reliable quality. Especially to printer manufacturers,material selection is directly related to the user experience effect. To end users, choosing good-quality material will contribute to successful printing. Poor quality material will lead to interruptions of printing process and clogs of the nozzle,which will costs much if damaged.

The material standard we advocate is: steady quality, functional diversity, economical price and environment-friendly.


video:  http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzQxNTEyNzc2.html?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c


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