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eSUN is invited to the ‘China Engineering Technology Forum’

Post time: 2019-05-09


eSUN is invited to the ‘China Engineering Technology Forum’

On May 6th

the 289th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum – Polymer Materials Sustainable Development Engineering Science and Technology Forum was held in Chengdu. 22 academicians gathered together to discuss the sustainable development of polymer materials. Yang Xingping, the Vice Governor of Sichuan Province, Liu Quansheng, the Deputy Secretary General of the Sichuan Province; Academician Mr. Li Yanrong, President of Sichuan University; Academician Mr. Xue Qunji, Zhou Guangyao, Gao Congjie, Hu Yongkang, Ouyang Pingkai, Zhang Xingdong, Shi Bi, Chen Xiangbao, Zhai Jinping, Tan Tianwei , Jian Xigao, Chen Xuegeng, Ding Wenjiang, Yu Jianyong, Li Zhongping, Wang Qi; Zhang Lina, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Feng Xiaoming, Tang Yong, Yang Wantai; Xu Jin, the Director of the First Institute of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Liu Dong, the Director of Sichuan Science and Technology Department, Chen Xuehua, the deputydirector-general; Ding Xiaobin, director of Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau; and more than 500 experts and scholars from universities, research institutes and polymer industry associations across the country attended the forum. The opening ceremony of the forum was presided over by the chairman of the conference, Academician Mr. Wang Yuzhong.

According to conference data, until October 2018, the number of patent applications in China’s plastics processing industry was 434,094, ranking first in the world. China has become the world’s largest producer and consumer of plastics. The forum will discuss the sources of raw materials for polymer materials, the green synthesis and manufacture of polymer materials, the environmentally friendly additives for polymer materials, the effective recycling of waste polymer materials, and the complete degradation of polymer materials, to promote the sustainable development of polymer materials and related industries.

During the forum, several academicians made academic reports. Experts and scholars attending the conference exchanged ideas on strategic research, technology research and development, and related industry standards for polymer materials. As one of the few enterprise representatives, eSUN, who has worked hard for 17 years in the field of biomaterials, was invited to participate in the forum, and Dr. Yang Yihu, the CEO of eSUN, gave a speech on “PLA Waste Recycle and High Value-Added Reutilize”.

Dr. Yang Yihu’s report, focusing on PLA recycling and high value-added recycling, summarized and refined the experience of eSUN in the field of biomaterials for 17 years, and shared the following three aspects with the guests. Here is a brief summary of the report.

01 /Company chemical recycling and high value-added applications

02 /Introduction to the company’s open innovation platform

03/Looking forward to the development prospects of Chinese bioplastics

The “Sustainable Development of Polymer Materials”Engineering Technology Forum project organized by the Chinese Academy of Engineering was successfully held in Chengdu. More than 20 academicians and many distinguished guests attended the conference to discuss the green development of polymer materials for sustainable development. We’d like to thank Academician Mr. Wang Yuzhong and Secretary General Mr.Weng Yunxuan for providing the opportunity to let eSUN have the opportunity to report on the development of biodegradable materials for more than 15 years at this top academic conference! This is also a glory of the whole company!


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